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Someone holding a thermometer At Confederation Freezers we set ourselves apart by being frontrunners in introducing and incorporating new technology and services to meet the needs of our clients. While Confederation Freezers is known for “going cold” we manage a full range of temperature controls including... warming.

Tempering involves taking a product to a temperature where a substantial amount of the water in the product is in the form of ice, but not all water has turned to ice. The temperature is typically around -5o to -2o C, allowing the product to be rigid but not hard. Manual and electric temperature readings are taken on a consistent basis throughout the process. Tempered product can be safely brought back to temperature and ready for shipment in mere days. The process can be continued in our temperature controlled trucks (link) and the be delivered to your customers ready to eat.

Various types of bulk frozen foods can benefit from tempering before they are delivered to your end customer or consumer.

For example,

● Protein producers (Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chicken Wings) temper their products. They have us begin to raise the temperature in our facilities and in transit so that they arrive to their customers (Grocery, Restaurants, Secondary Production) partially of fully thawed so that the product is ready for consumption immediately after delivery.

● Butter manufacturers use tempering to soften butter which becomes solid when frozen, prior to receipt by their customers

● Baked Goods, XXXXXX, XXXXXX, and XXXXX are other categories of products that can benefit from tempering, ensuring the product is stored frozen, but is delivered thawed and ready to serve.

Confederation Freezers has developed proprietary systems and technology to maintain and change the temperature of all products under our care. For more information on our tempering services please contact XXXXXXXXXXX

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